What do I need to know about a Matrimonial House Valuation
Matrimonial Valuation Reports or Red Book Valuations as they’re otherwise known are usually required due to a Court Order when couples are divorcing or separating and a property is being sold or the value is being split between the parties.
The shared property will need to be valued and the figure provided may form part of a settlement between two parties.
It’s really important that you get the right company to do a Matrimonial Valuation for you as the wrong valuation could cost both parties considerable amounts of money. As Registered RICS Valuers we are specialists at undertaking Matrimonial Valuation Reports for the Family Courts or for the County Court.

A Matrimonial Home Valuation will enable you to:
Prevent costly legal disputes
Receive what’s rightfully yours
Ensure all court proceedings go as smoothly as possible
Get a true value of the property without bias

What's included in a Matrimonial Property Valuation
In most cases, divorcees jointly hire a RICS registered valuer or chartered surveyor who will proceed to produce a matrimonial valuation report. Valuers and surveyors can also work for a single party, provided they give an impartial view.
A matrimonial valuation report will be a comprehensive report laying out clearly and without bias the value of the residential property. This is why it is crucial to hire a chartered surveyor who operates in the area, as local knowledge of the housing market will ensure a true property valuation is given.
RICS registered chartered surveyors provide a matrimonial valuation service on behalf of either party to make absolutely sure an impartial value of the property is established through professional judgement and knowledge of the current market.
We have carried out Red Book Valuations in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch and have expert knowledge of the local housing market to help you get the right valuation for your purposes. We are recommended by a number of local solicitors and estate agents to undertake this service and can help you through the process in a swift and efficient manner.
If you need any advice on the process of obtaining a Matrimonial or Red Book Valuation, please call us on 01202 531919 or click here to contact us and we’ll be happy to guide you through the process and give you a valuation quote today.